D&C Sections 42 and 44
Section 42

"The word law in a gospel sense refers to the statutes, judgments, and principles of salvation revealed by the Lord to man. Christ is the law (see 3 Nephi 15:9)—He gave it and embodies its principles. In this sense, the law of the Lord is a revelation of His character and attributes.
"God has given laws to assist us in our quest to become like the Father and the Son. No one can come to the Father except through obedience to the laws that Christ has given (see D&C 132:12). The violation of these laws is what constitutes sin (see 1 John 3:4). The Lord in His infinite love and wisdom often gives laws to His children suited to their level of preparation. The law of Moses was given to prepare the children of Israel for higher laws. The laws given in section 42 were to enable the Saints to purify their lives in preparation for the establishment of Zion." (https://www.lds.org/manual/doctrine-and-covenants-student-manual/section-41-49/section-42-the-law-of-the-lord?lang=eng)
Several times in the Doctrine and Covenants, the Lord reiterates to us that His House is one of order. How does D&C 42:11 pertain to this truth?

In what ways does the Lord standardize the teachings of Missionaries? (See vv 12-17.)
How may we demonstrate to our Savior that we truly love him? (See 42:29-31, 38, 45).
Section 42 introduces the concept of Consecration. What does it mean to consecrate something? How does consecration relate to the Baptismal Covenant? Is 42:45 a commandment to live after a consecrated manner? How?
In verse 53, the Lord commands us to stand in the place of our stewardship. What does this mean? What is a stewardship? How does this apply to our callings in the church? How does this apply to our callings as members of a family? How does this apply to our situation as members of a community, a workforce, a citizen, or any other aspect of our being?
In verse 69, the Lord commands us to rejoice because of the restoration of the Priesthood. What blessings does the Priesthood bring that are prompt joyful response?
D&C 44
In Section 44, the Lord commands the Church to gather for yet another Conference (there had been three previous ones, though the Church was not yet a year old). What is the purpose of Conferences? What are your feelings about General Conference? Stake Conference? Unit Conference?
"President David O. McKay explained:
“Reference to the Doctrine and Covenants will disclose the fact that there are four principal purposes of holding conferences of the Church:
“First, to transact current Church business [D&C 20:62],
“Second, to hear reports and general Church statistics [D&C 73:2],
“Third, to ‘approve of those names which I (the Lord) have appointed, or to disapprove of them’ [D&C 124:144],
“Fourth, to worship the Lord in sincerity and reverence, and to give and to receive encouragement, exhortation, and instruction [D&C 58:56; 72:7]” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1938, pp. 130–31)." (https://www.lds.org/manual/doctrine-and-covenants-student-manual/section-41-49/section-44-the-fourth-general-church-conference?lang=eng)
In D&C 44:6, the Lord gives a very specific commandment. Is it related to Consecration? How may we more fully abide this law? What are the benefits of obeying it?

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