Lesson 16: "Let Every Man Esteem His Brother As Himself"
D&C Sections 37-38
The Prophet Joseph Smith said, "“We ought to have the building up of Zion as our greatest object” (History of the Church, 3:390)." (https://www.lds.org/manual/doctrine-and-covenants-student-manual/section-30-40/section-38-if-ye-are-prepared-ye-shall-not-fear?lang=eng)

Fayette The Prophet Joseph Smith left Fayette for Kirtland, Ohio, in January 1831. The three New York branches (Fayette, Colesville, and Manchester) followed in April and May 1831 under the Lord’s command to gather (see D&C 37–38).
D&C 37
"This revelation was given eight months after the Church was officially organized. Since 6 April 1830, the Church had grown to about 200 Saints in the state of New York. Missionary efforts had been extended westward to Kirtland, Ohio, and to the borders of Missouri. Missionaries had been particularly successful in the Kirtland area, where they baptized about 127 people during the two or three weeks they spent there on their way to Missouri (see Roberts, Comprehensive History of the Church, 1:231). The Church continued to grow rapidly in that area after they departed." (https://www.lds.org/manual/doctrine-and-covenants-student-manual/section-30-40/section-37-ye-shall-go-to-the-ohio?lang=eng)
If this revelation was given eight months *after* the Church was officially organized, and the Book of Mormon was published in March of 1830, what was the translation referred to in 37:1?
"Section 37 is the first revelation directing the Saints to gather to a central place." (https://www.lds.org/manual/doctrine-and-covenants-student-manual/section-30-40/section-37-ye-shall-go-to-the-ohio?lang=eng)
Why was it important that the Church gather in one place? Is that commandment still in effect? If not, why not? If so, how are we to observe it?
Verse 4 implies that the Lord finds it "wisdom" to have commanded that the Church gather "at the Ohio," but that participating in that gathering is a matter of individual agency. The Instructor's Manual asks the question, "Whom does the Lord desire to come unto him and receive the blessings of his gospel?" (Scriptures for discussion in conjunction with this question are found in 2 Nephi 26:24-28,33 and Acts 10:34-35.) If the Lord is omnipotent and wants us "to come unto him and receive the blessings of his gospel," why do we need to have choice?
D&C 38
"During the month of December 1830, Joseph Smith received by revelation the remainder of the book of Moses. Chapters 6 and 7 dealt specifically with the establishment of Zion in Enoch’s day. Two things were needed before Zion could be built in this dispensation, however: revelation from the Lord giving His law and the order of Zion, and the preparation and sanctification of the Saints. The fulfillment of the first requirement was begun on 2 January 1831. During the third conference of the Church, the Prophet received Doctrine and Covenants 38. In it the Lord said that He was “the same which had taken the Zion of Enoch into mine own bosom” (D&C 38:4). He further revealed why He had commanded the Saints to move to Ohio: “There I will give unto you my law; and there you shall be endowed with power from on high” (D&C 38:32). This revelation was the Lord’s answer to those who wondered why they should move three hundred miles to the west in the dead of winter." (https://www.lds.org/manual/doctrine-and-covenants-student-manual/section-30-40/section-38-if-ye-are-prepared-ye-shall-not-fear?lang=eng)
The establishment and building up of Zion are major themes in the Doctrine and Covenants; indeed, I might argue that it is a handbook on how to do just that. What does D&C 38:25-26 have to do with the establishment and building up of Zion? (See verse 27.)
Is Zion a religious community? What does it mean to be religious? How can you tell if someone else is (or you, yourself are) religious?
The Instructor's Manual asks, "How should the gospel cause us to act towards others? (Matthew 7:12; James 1:22-2:26)?" and "What should be the attitude of the Saints toward those who are of the world and who think and act differently? (Matthew 5:38-48)."
Elder Harold B. Lee stated, “If we are not united, we are not his. Here unity is the test of divine ownership as thus expressed. If we would be united in love and fellowship and harmony, this Church would convert the world, who would see in us the shining example of these qualities which evidence that divine ownership. " (https://www.lds.org/manual/doctrine-and-covenants-student-manual/section-30-40/section-38-if-ye-are-prepared-ye-shall-not-fear?lang=eng)
As with so many other sections in the Doctrine & Covenants, 38 begins with an introduction wherein the Lord identifies himself as the speaker. Why do you suppose this is done? Wouldn't Joseph have known by now who was speaking to him?
The early Saints were given several instructions throughout Section 38, complete with promises. How would you complete the following chart?
D&C Verse
How does this apply to me?
D&C 38:8
D&C 38:15
D&C 38:16-19
D&C 38:22
D&C 38:23-27
D&C 38:30-32
D&C 38:34-38
D&C 38:40-42
For Further reading:
"The Essential Role of Member Missionary Work" by Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Ensign, May, 2003. (https://www.lds.org/liahona/2003/05/the-essential-role-of-member-missionary-work?lang=eng&query=member+missionary+work)
"Be a Missionary All Your Life" by Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Ensign, September 2008. (https://www.lds.org/ensign/2008/09/be-a-missionary-all-your-life?lang=eng&query=member+missionary+work)
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