Lesson 21: A Call to Forsake the World
D&C Sections 52-56
Section 52
V 4 gives instruction to Joseph and Sidney. How/Does this instruction apply to us?
V 9: Are we still under this injunction? Where should we do this? (That is, is it only advice for missionaries in the field, or does it pertain to how we teach Sunday School, give talks in Sacrament Meeting, run the Nursery, discuss things in High Priest Group, etc.)
V10 says to "let them go two by two." Why do you suppose the Lord wants a brace of missionaries instead of sending us out as individuals?
V15 says that "he that prayeth whose spirit is contrite, the same is accepted of me if he obey mine ordinances." What does it mean to pray with a contrite spirit?
V15 says that "he that prayeth whose spirit is contrite, the same is accepted of me if he obey mine ordinances." What does it mean to pray with a contrite spirit?
V34: What is the blessing promised to the faithful? What does it mean to be kept by the Lord and blessed with fruit?
V40: If a disciple (From the Greek, mathetes, meaning one who learns, pupil, student) is a student, what does remembering the poor, needy, sick and afflicted have to do with learning?
The Missionary Companionships
Verse 3
Sidney Rigdon
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Verse 7
Verse 8
Verse 22
Verse 23
Isaac Morley
Ezra Booth
Verse 24
Verse 25
Verse 26
Orson Pratt
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Verse 27
Verse 28
Verse 29
Verse 30
Reynolds Cahoon
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Samuel H. Smith
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Verse 31
Verse 32
Newel Knight
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Verse 35
Section 53
Verse 2: Who gives what commandment in this verse? Why do you suppose the commander identifies himself prior to giving the commandment? How does one keep that commandment?
Section 54
From the Student Manual:
"Historical Background
"The Saints in New York had been commanded to gather to Ohio (see D&C 37:3; 38:32). The Lord commanded those Saints already living in Ohio to prepare for the influx of newcomers by giving of their lands to those immigrating, or, if they did not have lands to give, to help them buy available land. In good faith the Colesville Branch arrived in Thompson, Ohio, and settled on lands offered to them by other members of the Church. Shortly thereafter the offer was withdrawn, and the Saints from Colesville were forced to seek other places to live."Newel Knight was appointed by the Colesville Branch to ask Joseph Smith to inquire of the Lord what they should do. B. H. Roberts recorded the following about these events: “It is difficult to determine with exactness in what the transgressions of the Saints at Thompson consisted; but it is evident that selfishness and rebellion were at the bottom of their trouble, and that Leman Copley and Ezra Thayre were immediately concerned in it. The Saints comprising the Colesville branch, when they arrived at the gathering place, in Ohio, were advised to remain together and were settled at Thompson, a place in the vicinity of Kirtland. … It is evident that some of the brethren already living at Thompson, had agreed to enter into the law of consecration and stewardship with the Saints from Colesville; and that afterwards they broke this covenant. Among these were Leman Copley and Ezra Thayre. ‘A man by the name of Copley,’ says Newel Knight in his journal, ‘had a considerable tract of land there [in Thompson] which he offered to let the Saints occupy. Consequently a contract was agreed upon, and we commenced work in good faith. But in a short time Copley broke the engagement, and I went to Kirtland to see Brother Joseph,’ etc. (Scraps of Biography, in which is published Newel Knight’s journal, ch. vi.) Of this matter, John Whitmer, then the Church Historian, writes: ‘At this time [the early part of June] the Church at Thompson, Ohio, was involved in difficulty because of the rebellion of Leman Copley, who would not do as he had previously agreed, which thing confused the whole Church, and finally the Lord spake through Joseph the Prophet, saying:’ He then quotes the revelation to Newel Knight. … —(John Whitmer’s History of the Church, chap. viii.)” (In History of the Church, 1:180n.)" (https://www.lds.org/manual/doctrine-and-covenants-student-manual/section-50-59/section-54-stand-fast-in-the-office-whereunto-i-have-appointed-you?lang=eng)
This revelation was received to answer the question about what to do about the Thompson property. What was the answer?
V6 is in beatitude format. What is the condition of the promised blessing?
V7 How can fleeing the promised inheritance be considered a blessing?
V10 advises us to be patient in tribulation. What helps you to be patient in tribulation? What can you do to be more patient in tribulation?
Section 55
Section 55 was a revelation given for the benefit of William Wines Phelps, a major figure in early Church History. He was editor of the first newspaper for the Saints, was instrumental in collecting the revelations for and publishing the Book of Commandments, and penned many hymns still sung in the Church today. A lesser-known fact is that he was tasked (in 55:4) with "selecting and writing books for schools in this church that little children also may receive instruction." Does this verse indicate how the Lord feels about education?
Section 56
VV 8-9 indicate that though the Lord revoked the calling (and thus the blessing) promised to Ezra Thayre, he could still receive a blessing. Under what condition was that blessing available? What if he chose not to accept those conditions? (See v10)
In vv 14-15 indict the members of the church as being in need of repentance. Do we ever fall into this category? How may we seek the counsel of the Lord over the counsel of our own ways?
A popular theme in modern theology is Jesus' (alleged) preferential treatment of the poor. Do vv 16-17 indicate that the Lord respects one class above another? Why do you feel the Lord asks us to care for the poor?
Verse 18 is written in beatitude format. What is the condition one must meet to receive the promised blessing? How may we apply this in our lives? How can keeping that condition assist us in forsaking the world?
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